Reporting Requirements

Start-Up Funding Report
  • One time report
  • Expenditure report setting out how the start-up funding allocated to the LEG was spent
  • The Start-Up Funding report is normally 6 months following receipt of start-up funds by the LEG or after start-up funds are spent.
  • The report is to be submitted on the following template: Start-Up Funding Report Template
Report of Future Academic Deliverables
  • The report is submitted to NOAMA annually
  • Sets out the plans of the LEGs and their capacity to deliver the NOSM Academic Deliverables for the next academic year
  • NOAMA forwards the report to the NOSM Associate Deans UME and PGE for sign off
Base and Variable Funding Formula Allocation Report

LEGs are sent a Qualtrics link for their individual 'LEG Accountability Report' which is filled out by the LEG and submitted back to NOAMA for approval and base and variable funding distribution.

1. Membership Report

  • To receive base funding, each LEG is required to confirm to NOAMA their Annual Membership Report
  • Total base funding available is prorated among the LEGs based on their eligible membership as at June 30, the end of the academic year
  • NOAMA will provide the LEGs with a listing of their eligible members and request the LEG confirm their membership by sign off of the LEG Lead

2. Annual LEG Financial Statements

  • Financial Statements with a year-end from the preceding year to which the LEG Reporting Requirement templates are distributed are submitted to NOAMA.
    • For example, In June 2024, financial statements with a year-end date at any point in 2023 would be required
  • As a minimum the following statements are required:
    • Statement of Financial Position
    • Income and Expenditure Statement
    • Schedule of Payments to LEG Members
    • Schedule of Expenses (Variable Funding)
  • The decision as to the level of assurance rests with the LEGs, however, NOAMA does recommend that LEG consider accountants' comments as a minimum.

3. Total variable funding available is prorated among the LEGs that confirm their interest in pursuing these activities through sign off of the Accountability Framework

  • NOAMA's offer of variable Enhanced Research and Scholarly Activity Funding requires:
    • that the LEG will use the funds to develop plans for enhanced research and scholarly activity development and/or the establishment of support infrastructure for these activities;
    • to provide a year-end report to NOAMA summarizing the plans, activities and related expenditures
LEG Policies
NOAMA Qualtrics Summary