
Local Education Groups Across Northern Ontario


Local Education Group (LEG)

A LEG is a group of physician clinical faculty who have joined together to assume responsibility for the provision of a significant, identifiable component(s) of NOSM U's current academic mandate. LEGS work closely with the NOSM U Undergraduate and Postgraduate Associate Deans to ensure the academic/curriculum needs of the learners are met. To date, 52 LEGs have been implemented and approved in Northern Ontario.


The purpose of the LEGs is to provide the physician clinical faculty with an organizational structure to address the challenges of balancing the demands for the provision of academics and clinical services. It is also intended to facilitate the ongoing delivery of the NOSM U academic mandate by the physician clinical faculty.


Alternative Funding Plans (AFPs) in Ontario are funded by the Ministry of Health to support the clinical teaching activities of physicians, thus ensuring sufficient clinical learning opportunities for the next generation of physicians. Although AFPs have existed at other Ontario medical schools since the 1990s, Ontario's newest medical school, NOSM U, has a unique mandate and mission to train physicians for rural and northern communities.

NOSM U's distributed medical education (DME) model - with two campuses more than 1,000km apart in Sudbury and Thunder Bay, and clinical learning taking place in over 70 communities across northern Ontario - indicated the need for a different approach to supporting clinical faculty. Instead of a single centralized governing body to administer the funds, the NOAMA AFP is implemented through Local Education Groups (LEGs). LEGs are self-organized groups of NOSM U clinical faculty who are responsible for providing selected medical education services at the undergraduate and/or postgraduate level. LEGs also support other academic activities such as professional development, research and clinical innovation. An independent organization, the Northern Ontario Academic Medicine Association (NOAMA), administers the LEGs Initiative, through a negotiated agreement between the MOH, the OMA, NOSM U, and the PCTA.

Groups interested in applying to be a LEG

Contact Michelle Labate at mlabate@noama.ca for information on how to apply.


A list of the approved LEGs, along with the contact information of their respective LEG Lead(s) and Administrative Assistant(s) is available for all LEG members:

LEG Lead and Administrator's Contact Information


AFP Innovation Fund
Thu Aug 01, 2024
Please watch for our call for proposals opening in August 2024 - The AFP Innovation Fund provides funding to support the development of new and innovative approaches to health care delivery and to provide leadership in the dissemination of new knowledge across the healthcare system. https://www.noama.ca/afp
CIOF Innovation Fund
Tue Oct 01, 2024
Please watch for our call for proposals opening in October 2024 - The Clinical Innovation Opportunities Fund intends to support physician clinical faculty in the development and implementation of new evidence-based enhancements within their clinical practices which positively impact direct patient care. https://www.noama.ca/ciof
NOAMA LEG Lead & Administrator's Meeting
Fri Nov 01, 2024
The NOAMA LEG Lead & Administrator's Meeting will take place at the Hilton Pearson Airport location. Please mark your calendars.
NOAMA LEG Lead & Administrator's Meeting
Sat Nov 02, 2024
The NOAMA LEG Lead & Administrator's Meeting will take place at the Hilton Pearson Airport location. Please mark your calendars.